I've added a DONATION BUTTON at the top of this blog. I know your first thought is hey here's a rich lawyer trying to scam me out of some money. Well, I'd challenge you to read this blog in it's entirety and see that is far from the truth. On the contrary, rather than trying to get rich or even make a profit off this blog, its primary function is to provide vital information to people in real need. There is a ton of practical and more importantly, legally correct, information on this site. Also, I offer an entire book of information together with all the forms you need to fight debt collectors all for only $19.99. Once I pay publishing and other costs, this is a break even venture. I've seen less helpful guides and books written by non-lawyers offered on the internet for hundreds and thousands of dollars! So I hope you can see, this is not a get rich quick scheme. I am asking that, IF you are able, you click on the donation button and donate FIVE BUCKS. Your donation will allow me to keep this site up and running and add more resources for people just like you who need help and can't afford the thousands of dollars a lawyer would charge. So donate if you can and I thank you. If you can't, then help me out by referring some of your friends who are also in need to my site. THANK YOU.